Straight To The Heart

In my musical world, there are few names as revered as David Sanborn. His soulful tone was the soundtrack for my college years, and his ability to blend elements of jazz, funk, and R&B resonated with me and my peers. My Dad was responsible for immersing me into jazz via Grover Washington Jr., and I returned the favor years later by introducing him to David Sanborn.

Born in 1945 in Tampa, Florida, Sanborn’s musical journey began at an early age. He honed his craft playing alongside legends like Stevie Wonder, David Bowie, and the Brecker Brothers, quickly establishing himself as one of the most talented and versatile saxophonists of his generation. His breakthrough came in the 1970s with the release of his critically acclaimed solo albums, including the iconic “Taking Off” and “Hideaway,” which earned him widespread acclaim and a dedicated fan base.

Sanborn was always eager to explore, collaborating with artists across genres and experimenting with new sounds and techniques. His work earned him numerous accolades, including six Grammy Awards and an induction into the prestigious Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame.

Music as an art form truly lives forever – and so David’s music will endure.

Rest in peace, and thank you.


This day was a long one coming.

May it be the first of many.


Senator Raphael Warnock

Personal log. Stardate 202212.6.

At the time of this log, Reverend Raphael Warnock has been re-elected to the Senate in Georgia. His win is a great testatment to the resiliency of Georgia Democrats, who pressed on against voter suppression, in opposition to the worst candidate* ever put forth in a Senate race in my lifetime.

With that said, the joy at the win is tempered with absolute fury that the GOP would even run someone as fundamentally unfit as Herschel Walker in the first place. It’s a tried and true tactic for them – “Blacks will vote for any Black face.” Ask Alan Keyes how that turned out. I do not believe that the “brain trust” in the Republican party realize even now just how big a mistake they made.

I have a feeling they will, and sooner rather than later.

But tonight, we celebrate.

Ben Sisko raises a toast.

*I would be remiss if I did not state that the absolute WORST candidate for a Senate seat ever was disgraced Judge Roy Moore of Alabama.

Hailing Frequencies…Closed

Nichelle Nichols, 1932-2022

On Sunday, the world lost a legend. Nichelle Nichols was a giant; actress, singer, tireless advocate for inclusion, arguably the best recruiter that NASA has ever had. I’ve made enough trips around the sun to see The Original Series in its original run. As was the case for many, LT Uhura was the first character I ever saw on a screen that looked like me AND was not in a subservient role. She was an absolute force of nature; a no-nonsense, skilled, RESPECTED member of a crew. Through her adventures, I was inspired to a lifelong love of science and science fiction. Had a career in avionics (and currently have one in computer science) partly because of her.

On behalf of all those you inspired to become their best selves, THANK YOU, Queen. Fair winds and following seas as you take your place among the stars.

Hailing frequencies closed.

If We Can Keep It

This July 4th is important for several reasons.

One, as a (relatively) young nation, it still astounds that we persist. In comparison to the older countries on the planet, we are barely in our teens, and sometimes act accordingly. Second, we are a democracy; imperfect, and created by imperfect people, as ALL people are. In the jingoism that envelops us through our narrative, it is easy to lose sight of that; imagine the naked audacity of a declaration that all men are created equal being disseminated by a landed gentry that owned other human beings and not only didn’t consider them equal, but didn’t consider them human. A 3/5th compromise indeed. Third, and most importantly at this point in time, the republic is at greater peril than at any time since the Civil War, and that peril is being cheered on by those who would gladly re-impose the ’50s (that’s 1850s for those who are paying attention) so long as the fallacy of white supremacy is maintained.

So, on this 4th of July weekend, let us remember those who would deny freedom for ALL citizens so long as they maintain power:

On July 4, 2018, a delegation of seven Republican U.S. Senators and one Republican member of the House of Representatives spent the Independence Day holiday in Moscow.

Of the eight, six are up for re-election in 2022. They’re all pretty well entrenched in GOP strongholds, of course, but wouldn’t it be a pretty thing to dislodge even one or two of these treasonous scum? Anyone on the ground who knows whether that’s even thinkable? They celebrated America’s birthday in Russia. Voters shouldn’t be allowed to forget that.

The Moscow Eight (a refresher):Richard Shelby (AL) — 87 yrs old. In Senate since 1987 (finishing his sixth term). Will not seek re-election in 2022.

Steve Daines (MT) — 58 yrs old. In Senate since 2015 (in his second term). Not up for re-election until 2026.

John Kennedy (LA) — 69 yrs old. In senate since 2017 (completing his first term). Up for re-election in 2022.

John Hoeven (ND) — 64 yrs old. In Senate since 2011 (completing his second term). Up for re-election in 2022.

Ron Johnson (WI) — 66 yrs old. In Senate since 2011 (completing his second term). Up for re-election in 2022.

Jerry Moran (KS) — 67 yrs old. In Senate since 2011 (completing his second term). Up for re-election in 2022.

John Thune (SD) — 60 yrs old. In Senate since 2005 (completing his third term). Up for re-election in 2022.

Kay Granger (TX-12) — the only woman and only House member in the Moscow CoDel. 78 yrs old. Member of Congress since 1997 (currently in her 13th term). Up for re-election in 2022.

Here’s what they, and the Orange Menance wrought: