Early Voting

Cole does some commiserating regarding the state of Democratic tactics:

“Currently, it appears that the Democrats in WV are trying to out pro-life and out pro-NRA each other while scratching Big Coal’s itchy parts.

And that is what it is like being a Democrat in WV- you start every election cycle motivated and then the candidates you like lose the primary or the person you will only vote for because they are a Democrat runs unopposed. Then the general election cycle starts, and you notice that the Democrats are starting to sound like Republicans. Not like Bob Dole era Republicans, but slightly to the left of Mitch McConnell Republicans. Fortunately, though, that is balanced by crazy insane people on the right who make them look liberal by comparison. My representative, David McKinley, who was what I thought passed for a reasonable Republican is now guzzling the kool-aid and proudly running campaign commercials when he touts his 50 votes against Obamacare as a reason to vote for him.

Gotta love it.

My Vote Is In

Absentee ballots for me and Mrs. Cisco have been submitted.  I wish I could say that being done with the process makes the ads easier to deal with; alas, the ads still reek.  This election cycle was unique for us; we actually had a campaign worker knock at the door:

CW: “Will you stand with Senator Hagan?”

BC: “So long as she doesn’t run away from President Obama, and stands with us.”

CW: “She’ll stand with everybody.”

I’m sure it sounded better in his head…

I’m not sure that Democratic politicians have figured out that the right isn’t going to vote for them, a lot of them have been spending a LOT of time distancing themselves from President Obama, in order to – what – make the Fox News demo consider voting for them?  Not going to happen.  Consider this: PBO’s nominee for Surgeon General made what many would call a reasoned correlation between gun violence and health; for this, the Teapublicans, with the usual support/threats from the NRA, filibustered the nomination.  However, there was also pushback from DEMOCRATIC senators: Begich (AK) and Pryor (AR) voted down every single post-Sandy Hook gun amendment; joining them in shooting down the assault weapons ban were Baucus (MT), Bennet (CO), Donnelly (IN), Hagan (NC), Heinrich (NM), Heitkamp (ND), Johnson (SD), Landrieu (LA), Manchin (WV), Tester (MT), Tom Udall (NM), and Warner (VA).

So what did they get for courageously bowing down before the NRA?  Pryor got a challenger, NONE of the others got either an endorsement or support of any kind, and the GOP was gifted a blueprint for fighting against “radical” nominees and for cowing Democrats in general.

I wish someone would explain what this is supposed to accomplish from a Democratic standpoint. Someone with a (D) after their name who rolls over every time the NeoConfederates yell boo is not what I’m looking for…